Monday, June 29, 2020

Heartfulness - The Real Deal - Part 1

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Lurking somewhere deep inside all of us is that innate calling; 
To get to "The Truth". 
To know, "That", which will make us All-Knowing. 
To "Get to the Bottom" of the secrets of life. 

In our own ways, we search, knowingly or unknowingly. And in this search, we stumble upon those who claim that they "know". And, in today's world of God-men and God-women, there are so many who "know".  Sadly they don't, and it is further pathetic when they themselves are under the illusion of "knowing". So many fakes around us. It is hard to tell what is true and what is not. There are so many people, who think that they have found that fountain of Reality, that all their problems are solved, but we do not see them transformed from deep inside. They go about life just slightly noisier than earlier about God or some such thing. 

Nevertheless, we all know, it is a journey. These are all necessary steps of evolution. 

Thanks to our 10-year-old daughter, we stumbled upon Heartfulness. Well, that is an oversimplification. I have come across this method earlier but did not take it up seriously at that time. 

We had enrolled our daughter in the "Brighter Minds" program. This program comes from the house of Heartfulness (Sahaj Marg). At that time, we did not know much about Heartfulness or its history. After the course, we were expecting some marvels to happen with our child. But nothing did. Then, when we spoke to the trainer and facilitator, Mrs.N, she said, "The ambiance at home has to be conducive. Why don't you start meditation yourself? It will have its effect on the child." 

So, started our journey. Little did I know at that time, how much impact this method can have and how much life can change due to this simple method. We started our practice somewhere at the end of August 2019. The few months following that have been unlike the rest of my life till that point. 

For me, Heartfulness has become a journey of great personal significance. 
What unfolded ever since I started to practice and whatever unfolds even as I write is this has been very good for me. Very good!

In my upcoming blog, you can find out what happened next.  

Note: If you are wondering what is Heartfulness, please click here.


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