Monday, August 3, 2020

Heartfulness - The Real Deal - Part 3

Settling into the Practice

With time, we can form the habit of meditating at a fixed time and place. The corollary practices of relaxation, cleaning, prayer etc. are also very critical to success. Another catalyst to progress is the practice of "one-to-one sittings" or individual sittings. Here, a Preceptor gives a highly focused sitting for one Abhyasi. It is highly recommended that in the first 3 to 6 months, Abhyasis take at least one personal sitting per week from any of the Preceptors, preferably the same Preceptor every time.

The HeartsApp is another very important platform to keep you connected to Heartfulness practices. You can find trainers as well as have Sittings with Transmission (Pranahuti) using the HeartsApp.

There is a registration process that has to be carried out by a preceptor on your behalf. Your credentials such as phone number, email address, and postal address are gathered and a login ID and password is issued to you which you can use with HeartsApp and other HFN resources.

There is a lot of literature and material developed over the past 75 years and more. This material helps us improve our understanding of the origins and fundamentals of this beautiful system. You may find the Ten Maxims of Sahaj Marg to be very practical and impactful if you let your faith settle in the system. The 3Ms, Master, Mission and the Method, if followed with faith and love, are sufficient to ensure spiritual growth.

Grounding in the Practice

There are many subtle concepts that we get exposed to as we settle into our practice. These are the essentials of actual spiritual growth. They need to be understood, accepted and followed with faith.

Faith has to be the result of personal experience. This system encourages each and every Abhyasi to experiment with themselves. All questions and doubts can be converted to small experiments and we can try those out ourselves to test and see if the claims are valid or not.

For instance, you may wonder, is Yogic transmission real? Or is it just mumbo-jumbo? Well, check for yourself. Meditate with Transmission and without transmission. Do it several times and compare every time. It will take some earnest effort and investment of time. But, if you are genuinely trying to determine the existence and efficacy of transmission, you will certainly try it. The findings are yours to arrive at.

We become the experimenter, the laboratory and the results.


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